Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Pringles Campaign

Pringles is introducing a new line of multigrain chips! Yum! What's even better is that if you purchase a can of multigrain pringles chips and head over here you can enter the UPC on the canister and Pringles will donate $1 for every UPC entered to the "Share Our Strength No Kid Hungry Campaign."  
I love pringles, but hate that they're not that healthy. Now I can have a healthier version and donate a dollar to charity!

Have you tried Pringles new Multigrain chips?

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Reader Poll

Okay.. so let's try this again. Now that I am getting a little more traffic to this blog I would like to reset the poll I started earlier in the week. You can view it on the left sidebar. Please vote and hang in there with me. My job starts pretty soon and I have to get some paperwork finished! Wish me luck!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Kellogg's Cereal Recall

Hello fellow couponers! This morning I heard about the recall on Kellogg's Cereal. I know that many of us have stockpiles of cereal, so please check your cupboards for the following cereals: Kellogg’s Apple Jacks, Kellogg’s Corn Pops, Kellogg’s Froot Loops, and Kellogg’s Honey Smacks, with best-before dates ranging from March 26th, 2011 to June 22nd, 2011.

This is a voluntary recall, but Kellogg's reccomends not eating the cereal because it does not meet their quality standards. The package lining is said to have a strong smell affecting the cereal that could make the consumer sick to the stomach. 

If you have questions about the recall or would like to request a replacement coupon you can call the following number: 888-801-4163. 

Did anyone have the recalled product in their stockpile?

Photo credit: CBS

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Mini Blueberry Pie

Since I have more berries than I know what to do with, I decided to make some blueberry pie. This wasn't just any blueberry pie, though. Earlier this week I saw a great recipe for Pie in a Jar over at Our Best Bites. I was going to originally do that adorable recipe, but alas could not find tiny little mason jars at my Publix. Instead I used mini pie pans that I alreadt had. They are about 4 inches in diameter and are so cute! 
I used the following recipe but halved everything and used two mini pie pans:

  • 3/4 cup white sugar
  • 3 tablespoons cornstarch
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 4 cups fresh blueberries
  • 1 recipe pastry for a 9 inch double crust pie
  • 1 tablespoon butter

  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C).
  2. Mix sugar, cornstarch, salt, and cinnamon, and sprinkle over blueberries.
  3. Line pie dish with one pie crust. Pour berry mixture into the crust, and dot with butter. Cut remaining pastry into 1/2 - 3/4 inch wide strips, and make lattice top. Crimp and flute edges.
  4. Bake pie on lower shelf of oven for about 50 (I actually recommend baking it for only 30 minutes for the smaller pies. Make sure to keep an eye on your pies because the time will definitely vary depending on the size) minutes, or until crust is golden brown.

I used regular sized Pillsbury pie shells and cut out a shape to fill the mini pans. If you decide to try to make the mini pies I would reccomend cutting about an inch larger than the form you are using. Mine didn't have a crust around the edge, so it was a little more difficult to attach the crosshatch. 

There was plenty of dough left so I made some extra cute hearts. <3

Here is the final product. Isn't it cute? It was very yummy too! 

Happy Baking!

Reader Poll

Make sure you check out my reader poll over on the left sidebar of this page. Because my blog is still new, I'm working with a few different ideas and I'd love your feedback. There are three days left to vote! If you have an idea or suggestion not listed on the poll you can e-mail me at

Have a great Thursday!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Brocolli Quiche

Quiche has been a staple in my family for as long as I can remember. Now that I'm out on my own, I decided to try my hand at making one. It turned out pretty well, but I will tweak a few things just based on preference. I adapted a recipe and it is surprisingly frugal! Check it out:

  • 1 bag frozen veggies (in a steam bag for easy prep)
  • 1 (9 inch) unbaked pie crust
  • 1 1/2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese (Any cheese will do)
  • 4 eggs, well beaten
  • 1 1/2 cups milk
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1 tablespoon butter, melted


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
  2. Spoon cooked vegetables into crust and sprinkle with cheese.
  3. Combine eggs and milk. Season with salt and pepper. Stir in melted butter. Pour egg mixture over vegetables and cheese.
  4. Bake in preheated oven for 30 minutes, or until center has set.

The final product! It turned out great! Next time I will be adding more cheese and reducing the egg amount to two large eggs. I'm used to it being much more cheesy than eggy, but you can make it to your preference. In fact, you don't have to use cheese at all and could use any other filling! My mom makes a delicious crab quiche. Some other ideas are mushroom, onion, tomato, etc. Just think of anything you'd put in an omelet and you're good to go! Quiche is also a great leftover and tastes fantastic right out of the refrigerator especially on a hot summer day!


Grocery Savings

I got to my grocery shopping a little late this week. Here is what I got:

2 bottles Seventh Generation Dish Soap
2 packages Mini Wheats
2 packs Activia Yogurt
1 box 30 Ziploc Gallon bags
4 cans of Bacardi Mixers
1 bag Publix Shredded Cheese
1 bag of Polly-o Cheese Sticks
1 bag of baby carrots
1 container of corn starch
1 loaf of Chicago Italian Bread
4 green apples
2 packages of blueberries
2 packages of raspberries
1 package of Pillsbury pie crust
1 small bag of granulated sugar

Amount Spent: $42.20
Amount Saved: 34.80

I came in under budget and got lots of fresh berries. I am absolutely loving the berry coupons. To get your weekly ad match-ups head over to I Heart Publix. If you are new to couponing visit Meagan over at Frugal Fun and Fortune to read her series for beginners!

How did you do this week? Did you buy some berries for fresh summer desserts and smoothies?

Monday, June 21, 2010

Free Sample of Starbucks VIA

I am SUPER excited about this free sample offer. Head over here to request yours. I can't wait to try it. I am huge Starbucks coffee fan and I love their new VIA commercial with the clever names on mugs.

Mine mug would say "Ambitious Post Grad."

How about you? Have you tried the new instant coffee? What would your mug say about you?

Thanks to Meagan over at for the heads up on the new sample!

Getting Back on the Bandwagon

I'm going to be completely honest. The last two-three weeks I have really slacked on my couponing and grocery shopping. I graduated from college, moved to a new place, and was on the job hunt. Well, I start my new job in three weeks and it's time to start meal planning and couponing once again! In the meantime I will keep you all in the loop with my savings and deals as well as a couple of great cooking and baking adventures that I'll embark on in the next few weeks.

I've got some great posts coming up, so stay tuned!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Whistle While You Work

Earlier this week I was called for a second interview at a business where I really wanted to work. They called me at 11am for a 1pm interview! Yikes! So I took a quick shower (I had just taken the puppy out for a walk) and put on my business suit. And. guess. what. It went really well! I interviewed with two sets of managers and they both seemed to like me. Later that day I got a call saying I was being moved forward in the hiring process!
That's right! I got my unofficial job offer!!!!
I've got to go through some paperwork now and should be receiving the official offer pretty soon! My start date is in mid-July!
If you are currently going through the job-hunt, don't give up! Stay positive. When someone asks you how it is going stay optimistic because it's all about your attitude towards life. Everything always works out for the best. Now you guys get to hear about my first time out in the "big girl" workplace!

Keep positive and find friends and family to help support you!

Friday, June 11, 2010

I'm an American Literate!

My next literary adventure is going to be Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson. The book is the story of a hiker that gets off course and is taken in and nursed back to health in a small Pakistani village. When he leaves he promises to come back and build a school in the impoverished area.

I think this will be an inspiring read! Have you read it? What are your reviews?

I'll write a review sometime this week after I've finished it!

Happy Reading!


Due to recently moving to a new apartment, my grocery shopping has been a little wacky for the last two weeks. I'm getting back on schedule, but I have no pictures to show for this week! I will share my savings, though. Here goes:

2 packages Honey Nut Cheerios
6 Yoplait yogurt cups
1 gallon of milk
1 package boneless skinless chicken breast
2 bottle Pompeian Olive Oil
1 package Skinny Cow ice cream cones
1 package Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches
1 package whole bean Starbucks Coffee
Sensodyne toothpaste
1 box of Tampax Sport tampons
1 package Angel Soft Toilet Paper

Total: $43
Saved: $30

So, my savings weren't phenomenal, but I did buy a couple of higher priced items that last a while. Oh and don't worry, I bought my produce earlier in the week. :) The new Publix that I'm going to has slightly higher prices on some items than I'm used to, so I will have to adjust to those. My cashier was great, though, and zipped through all of my coupons!

Happy Saving!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

She works hard for the money

I haven't gone shopping yet this week, but I thought I would share a shopping trip from a few weeks back:

3 boxes Kashi Cereal
2 loaves swirl bread
2 Bags of Sargento Shredded Cheese
2 packs of Lance Crackers
2 boxes of Oreo Cakesters
4 bags of Publix Steam in bag vegetables
2 bags of Flat Out crisps
Country Crock butter
2 jars of Prego pasta Sauce
Pack of 6 chicken thighs
2 cans of tomato paste
2 boxes of pasta (one not pictured)
1 package of Zuchinni (not pictured)

 Total Spent: $16.20
 Total Saved: $52.45

If you want to get started with couponing and saving money on your grocery trips head over to Frugal Fun and Fortune. Meagan has a great series for new couponers and she always brings you the greatest deals!

Happy Shopping!

Read on!

I am an avid reader. As a college student I read a lot, but I never had time to read fiction. Now that I'm graduated, I'm getting back on the reading wagon. I just finished a great book titled "Shanghai Girls." It centers around two sisters living in Shanghai in the 1930s that are forced to flee and make their way to California. This is a story of hardships and triumphs, but mostly the love that exists between sisters. This book was so good, I finished it in 24 hours!

What are your summer reading picks?

A little less conversation, a little more action please

I follow the Dalai Lama on facebook ( I know, who doesn't have a facebook these days?) His status updates are pretty inspirational. The other day this is what he stated:

               "My call for a spiritual revolution is not a call for a religious revolution, nor for a way of life that is otherworldly - still less to something magical or mysterious. It is a call for a radical reorientation away from our habitual preoccupation with self, a call to turn toward the wider community of beings with whom we are connected, and for conduct which recognizes others’ interests alongside our own."

Let's face it, many people in our country are not outwardly religious, but his call for a spiritual revolution can relate to everyone. It is a call to look beyond ourselves and live our lives for the greater good. 

What do you think? Do you agree with the Dalai Lama? How do you contribute to your community?
To follow him go here.

Hello Risotto

So in my quest to keep myself busy I bought an Easy Italian cookbook. So far, it has been fabulous! Here is a yummy recipe of Shrimp Risotto that I whipped up last week. Here is a picture and my revised recipe:

Risotto with Shrimp


1/2 Pound raw shrimp (peeled and deveined)
4 cups stock
¾ stick butter
1 small onion, finely diced
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 ½ cups risotto rice
salt and freshly ground black pepper

1.    Heat the stock  over a medium heat until just beginning to boil. Lowe the heat and leave to simmer gently.

2.    Melt ½ stick butter in another saucepan. Add the onion and garlic and cook over low heat 3 to 4 minutes until soft but not brown.

3.    Add the rice and toast for 1 minute, stirring constantly.

4.    Pour in a ladleful of the hot stock and cook, stirring constantly, until it has all been absorbed by the rice. Continue in this way, adding hot stock and stirring, until the rice is tender but still retains some bite and is a creamy consistency. (It may not be necessary to use all the stock.)

5.    Toss in the shrimp and cook a further minute until they turn pink. Stir in the remaining butter and season to taste with salt and pepper. Serve immediately.

Let me know if you try it! It is definitely being added to my list of recipe staples. Yum! To make it budget-friendly wait until shrimp go on sale. It cost be about $3 for my 1/2 lb!
Happy cooking!

This is me

Welcome everyone!
 I graduated from college about a month ago. Now, I'm searching for a full-time, rewarding job. (I've actually been applying to jobs since at least April and have applied to over 100 positions by now!) I'm really interested in the field of Human Resources, but at this point would love to get in a great company to gain some experience. My career goals are to work my way through the HR field with the goal of becoming a Corporate Recruiter. I also am planning on getting my MBA in Human Resources/Change Management (but of course I can't pursue that degree without some experience in the field :D)

My last semester of my Senior year I began couponing after seeing a special on the news about a local woman named Meagan who saves tons of money couponing. Her blog helped me get started with couponing and saving tons of money when I shop. Budgeting a college budget was very important and I got SO much more for my money my last semester of school. The trick is pairing sales with coupons and my favorite grocery store is Publix. They always have awesome "buy on get one" deals and pairing that with coupons always gets me a good deal on great products. Now that I'm out of school and job searching, I have to work with a limited budget, so couponing is becoming even more useful!

Once I have a job (hopefully soon!) I plan to live on a budget so that I can save while I'm young and have little responsibilities.
So stick around as I share my experience in the job-hunt, my daily triumphs and tribulations, as well as my budgeting goals, shopping trips, and daily deals!